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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The End is NEAR!

OMG! I can't believe it. Week 40.

So the plan is, if I don't go into natural labor before the weekend, I am scheduled to be induced on Monday January 10th.
Being so close to the end is bitter sweet. Who knew? I think sweet because I will finally get to memorize the face of my new little one, hear him cry and ultimately poor my love on him. Sweet because I know the discomfort and waddling will come to an end! Bitter because I feel like I missed the whole first half of my pregnancy, and part of me isn't ready to "not be pregnant" any more. I don't even feel like I got to take full advantage of being hormonal and unable to "do for myself"! LOL Ah well. Such is life.

This week has been a race against the clock. A race to get everything ready for when my mom gets in (Saturday Jan 8th). A race to finish the nursery before the baby is here. A race to sum everything up at work and pass it off for the next few wears me out just thinking about it!

My sleep pattern has been way off this week too! I'm so tired after dinner I fall asleep or go to bed early ...really early like 8 or 8:30 but then I wake up in the middle of the night ...WIDE AWAKE! Then I am tired again about 5:30am when there is really not any time to sleep before having to be up and running. CRAZY!

We will know soon enough if time beats me in this race! I'll keep you posted.


  1. the new picture of you and ben is so cute i love it, and look how skinny he is! Cory is still hoping you don't have Ben jr until the 11th. We need to get your dresser done this weekend.

  2. Wow...that seems like it flew by Deanna. I can't believe you're 40 weeks already. So excited for you, will be praying that you go on your own, having been induced with my first and ending in emergency c-section, sometimes baby just knows best. :) I love you and wish you the best of luck in the race against the clock. :)
