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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Waddling on Sunshine...Oh Oh...

Well I feel like the waddle is in full swing... breathing is a little harder, movement is A LOT more, and we are 11 days and counting!!!
Well on our way to a new little addition.

We had a great Texas! What a fabulous time!!! I alway know how much my family means to me, but it seems like I appreciate them a whole lot more when it is months and months between being able to see them, and spend time with them.
My sister(s) threw me a surprise baby shower when I cool is that?? What a treat!

We were able to shop, chill, play games (even though the men in our family cheat like DOGS!) and even had time to do family photos! I love being able to spend time reflecting on how our family has grown over the years. To see where we started, remembering those who have already gone on, and relishing the additions that have come our way!

This Ponder Christmas the sisters had Keith (the oldest grandchild) say a few words about family members that have gone on before while candles were lit in their memories. Since there is no other way for me to know my grandfather and for my kid's to know their grandfather...this was greatly appreciated!

We are home again and now that the new year is here we are dashing to finish the nursery! My husband has been SO wonderful to rip out carpet, lay flooring and paint! I can't wait to finish it up! I feel like I am in a scramble for a deadline that could be at any time. But I have to admit, that is part of the fun.

Of course while we were home with family they had their fingers crossed that Preston would come early and have the privilege of being Texas born. As it turns out...he is nestled snuggly in my rib cage and seems to be content there. Ben is getting so excited and is really ready to meet him. As a matter of fact all last night he asked if it was time! LOL No, not time. I reminded him my mom doesn't fly in until the 8th so I am happy for Preston to stay put at least until we pick her up from the airport!

I will sign off by saying this, I am truly BLESSED. I feel grateful everyday for all I have been given.

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm Glad Preston is still where he should be,
    Keep me inform on your baby progress.
    Love Ms.Peggy
