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Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Well, I have been meaning to jot down my whole birthing experience and haven't made the time. Sad excuse, I know but I have been so busy with my little man over the last month.

I want to tell you I was admitted to the hospital on Sunday Jan 9th. We made it a family affair. Ben, my mom and both Garron and Jeremiah all came up to the hospital. (we let the boys play hooky on Monday).
They gave me cervidil to thin my cervix. Then we waited... my mom stayed the night in the hospital with me both the night before and the night after.

Garron walked into the hospital room, suction cupped his toothbrush right to the sink and informed us he wanted to stay the night at the hospital with me. My mom and I asked the nurse if this was allowed and she said it was fine. So mimi ran him a bath and he had a grand ol time in the hospital tub!

Monday morning they started my pitocin and by early afternoon I had my epidural. And I obviously felt good enough to be on the phone! LOL
From then on I was a little spacey... and drowsy. People were in and out of my room. ..

My mom got my sister Daphne and my cousin Angela on conference SKYPE which was AWESOME. I wasn't a super great hostess those as I was napping in between conversations! LOL As it turned out we were able to keep them on through the whole birth, which was amazing. Next best thing to them being able to be there. For some reason both Ben and I had the misconception that there would be a curtain covering my bottom half. While we were under that false assumption we told our boys jeremiah and garron they could Skype in too and then they would feel like they were a part. Unfortunately, we found out there was going to be no inhibitions in this delivery and certainly not one shred of modesty. So, they had to just wait in the waiting room until after Preston was born. :( we felt bad for them, but there wasn't anything we could do.

My husband was MOST AMAZING through the entire process, as was my mom! My sister in law Lisa was in there as well, she handled all the picture taking, and skype functions.

As I was having contractions (that I couldn't feel) the nurse came in. There was a problem... the babies heart rate was dropping. She turned of my pitocin, put an oxygen mask on me and made me lay on my opposite side. The whole time I was thinking, no big deal worst that can happen is an emergency C-section. Not the end of the world. Except then I started to see everyones face. My mom looked worried. Ben look terrified and the nurse (that is was finally made me tear up) looked un-nerved. Angela told me later that it was a good thing I couldn't see her's and Daph's faces cause they looked panicked and teary -eyed as well. That was all over soon enough and really the worst part of the entire thing.

So when I was finally dilated to a 10 the nurse began to have me push (while we waited for my doctor to get there). So much to Ben's surprise, not only was there no sheet to cover all the goings on (let me interject here, he is VERY Squeamish) but then the nurse made him hold my leg! LOL Not only did he not get to choose what he did or didn't see, he was recruited as an active member of the process. Poor thing.

So I pushed for about 30 min. and I know this sounds weird but that just flew by. Keep in mind I have had several months of horror stories about terrible labor, terrible delivery and so far I hadn't experienced any of it. The doc came in, chatted with us. Put on his scrubs and gloves. He told me to give him a really good push, and I did! He was almost surprised I did what he asked...he then told me to give him a gentle push. After those two pushes, just one more was needed and out came Preston!

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