Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day - 34 weeks
Well here we are. I have been very behind on my blogging as I have been super busy at work!
Between work, keeping up with the kid's school, Birthdays and Holidays...EEK! No wonder I don't have time to blog.
So, this morning Ben and I have been up early ... both manned with our laptops, sipping our coffee. Enjoying the fact that the kids are still sleeping and it will be a few more hours until we have to start preparing the bird.
One turkey, some good ol' southern cornbread stuffing...snow on the ground and we are good to go! SNOW I say??? Yes, snow. We are not in Texas any more Toto! We had a blizzard come in yesterday, and now we are going to enjoy our Thanksgiving in
Between work, keeping up with the kid's school, Birthdays and Holidays...EEK! No wonder I don't have time to blog.
So, this morning Ben and I have been up early ... both manned with our laptops, sipping our coffee. Enjoying the fact that the kids are still sleeping and it will be a few more hours until we have to start preparing the bird.
One turkey, some good ol' southern cornbread stuffing...snow on the ground and we are good to go! SNOW I say??? Yes, snow. We are not in Texas any more Toto! We had a blizzard come in yesterday, and now we are going to enjoy our Thanksgiving in
9°F temperature!
It makes sense that today (a day don't have to work) is the day I have time to blog, however I hate the fact that it landed on Thanksgiving. I feel that I have kept a heart overflowing with thankfulness, joy and sheer aww... So you understand my desire to steer clear of the cliché of "Thanksgiving".
SIDE NOTE - Ben and I were talking about "in-law" issues, not ours but other peoples. He said a guy at work had "mother -in -law" issues. He told that guy he had the best mother - in -law in the world (which he does). Then the conversation moved to people having issues with their own moms, to which he informed me I don't have issues with my mom cause I am just like her! Well since he no more that got the words, "I have the best mother - in - law in the world" out of his mouth...I'm going to take it as a complement and move on.
So as I was saying before about being thankful... I was driving down the road the other day and felt my heart fill with so much appreciation it began to ooze out of my eyes in the form of a salty liquid! I am eternally grateful for my life, my Christian heritage, my family, my husband, my children (both born and unborn). I am so amazed at the God we serve. So intrigued by His attributes, personality, graciousness, diversity and most of all His unconditional LOVE. As much as I feel that I as a mom love in abundance, it doesn't even hold a candle to His love. It just blows my mind when I try and compare my love (finite) to His love (infinite). How can you not be thankful for all that He is.
It makes sense that today (a day don't have to work) is the day I have time to blog, however I hate the fact that it landed on Thanksgiving. I feel that I have kept a heart overflowing with thankfulness, joy and sheer aww... So you understand my desire to steer clear of the cliché of "Thanksgiving".
SIDE NOTE - Ben and I were talking about "in-law" issues, not ours but other peoples. He said a guy at work had "mother -in -law" issues. He told that guy he had the best mother - in -law in the world (which he does). Then the conversation moved to people having issues with their own moms, to which he informed me I don't have issues with my mom cause I am just like her! Well since he no more that got the words, "I have the best mother - in - law in the world" out of his mouth...I'm going to take it as a complement and move on.
So as I was saying before about being thankful... I was driving down the road the other day and felt my heart fill with so much appreciation it began to ooze out of my eyes in the form of a salty liquid! I am eternally grateful for my life, my Christian heritage, my family, my husband, my children (both born and unborn). I am so amazed at the God we serve. So intrigued by His attributes, personality, graciousness, diversity and most of all His unconditional LOVE. As much as I feel that I as a mom love in abundance, it doesn't even hold a candle to His love. It just blows my mind when I try and compare my love (finite) to His love (infinite). How can you not be thankful for all that He is.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Week 23...and counting!
I get so excited when I feel Preston moving inside me. I imagine him stretching his tiny arms, extending his growing legs, wiggling his fingers and toes...surprising himself as he is discovering ...well, himself!
Everyday I am so thankful that the Lord has chosen me to be able to carry this precious life. I had come so close to really giving up the hope of being able to get pregnant that I stay in awww... Amazed my God's design of a mother's womb. He gives mothers 100% responsibility for nurturing, protecting, feeding and carrying the next generation.
Although some of the tasks of motherhood will come as no surprise to me as I have been a mom for almost eight years now, there is so much I hadn't experienced. I hadn't ever felt a baby move inside. I haven't had contractions. I haven't had to decide on birthing options. I haven't had to deliver a child. I haven't had the choice to breastfeed. It is like another whole dimension to motherhood. A reality that has always been just beyond my reach.
I will share with you on my 31st birthday (June of this year) I am almost embarrassed to tell you... but I stood in front of my mirror, poked my belly out, and imagined what it would be like to be pregnant (NOT knowing that I was actually pregnant at that time). I told myself that it was okay if I never got pregnant, and tried to settle it in my mind. Telling myself all the positives, Garron was going to be out of the house in like 9 years! LOL I didn't have to make bottles, pack bags, and changed diapers...who wants to do all that anyway?
I was very torn because I told God (almost 8 years ago) when he gave me that beautiful baby boy, that I would be forever thankful and if he was the only child God was to ever give me, I was okay with that. So my feelings on June 12,2010 were a struggle. I felt sort of like an ingrate. I know some people never get children, not even one. Some people have children and loose them, and some like Hannah pray for a child, only to give him back to God.
God had also blessed me with Jeremiah...even though he has only been living with us for the past year, he is such a blessing. I wasn't sad about getting old (er), I was only sad that I knew my biological clock was ticking. I thought, man if I can't get pregnant in my 20s my chances are rapidly depleting in my 30s! So, I will be honest, I allowed my self a little party...not in celebration of my birthday, but one of pity ...on myself...no one came...it was just me and my tears...
Now how silly!!! This is why I felt dumb at the time. I tried not to doubt God's master plan. I tried to trust that He does EVERYTHING for our good and His glory...but I failed the test. I let my emotions run away with me (well I will now blame some of that on being pregnant....hahaha the irony)
I share all this with you so you will know this, I give God total honor and glory for my new gift. And so you will understand when I go on and on gushing about this amazing experience that seem like "everyday" to some people...to me it is still a miracle! Still!!!!
Everyday I am so thankful that the Lord has chosen me to be able to carry this precious life. I had come so close to really giving up the hope of being able to get pregnant that I stay in awww... Amazed my God's design of a mother's womb. He gives mothers 100% responsibility for nurturing, protecting, feeding and carrying the next generation.
Although some of the tasks of motherhood will come as no surprise to me as I have been a mom for almost eight years now, there is so much I hadn't experienced. I hadn't ever felt a baby move inside. I haven't had contractions. I haven't had to decide on birthing options. I haven't had to deliver a child. I haven't had the choice to breastfeed. It is like another whole dimension to motherhood. A reality that has always been just beyond my reach.
I will share with you on my 31st birthday (June of this year) I am almost embarrassed to tell you... but I stood in front of my mirror, poked my belly out, and imagined what it would be like to be pregnant (NOT knowing that I was actually pregnant at that time). I told myself that it was okay if I never got pregnant, and tried to settle it in my mind. Telling myself all the positives, Garron was going to be out of the house in like 9 years! LOL I didn't have to make bottles, pack bags, and changed diapers...who wants to do all that anyway?
I was very torn because I told God (almost 8 years ago) when he gave me that beautiful baby boy, that I would be forever thankful and if he was the only child God was to ever give me, I was okay with that. So my feelings on June 12,2010 were a struggle. I felt sort of like an ingrate. I know some people never get children, not even one. Some people have children and loose them, and some like Hannah pray for a child, only to give him back to God.
God had also blessed me with Jeremiah...even though he has only been living with us for the past year, he is such a blessing. I wasn't sad about getting old (er), I was only sad that I knew my biological clock was ticking. I thought, man if I can't get pregnant in my 20s my chances are rapidly depleting in my 30s! So, I will be honest, I allowed my self a little party...not in celebration of my birthday, but one of pity ...on myself...no one came...it was just me and my tears...
Now how silly!!! This is why I felt dumb at the time. I tried not to doubt God's master plan. I tried to trust that He does EVERYTHING for our good and His glory...but I failed the test. I let my emotions run away with me (well I will now blame some of that on being pregnant....hahaha the irony)
I share all this with you so you will know this, I give God total honor and glory for my new gift. And so you will understand when I go on and on gushing about this amazing experience that seem like "everyday" to some people...to me it is still a miracle! Still!!!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Almost 22 weeks!
Okay so I want to fill you in on the day I found out it was a boy! August 23,2010
I had prayed that I would not feel disappointment, if it was in deed a boy. Mainly for this reason, I'm having a BABY!! There is NOTHING disappointing about that!
So sure enough he is rolling the magic wand around and finds the extra parts...it's a boy!
And as an answer to my prayer I wasn't disappointed at all. I think part of me had "braced" myself, just in case.
We had already decided on the name "Preston Graham" if it were a boy, and I love that name. So that was fun. Jeremiah picked out the name Preston, and Graham is a tribute of sorts to my mom's mom who we call Gram.
The doctor told Ben he needed to make sure I was drinking lot's of water, taking my prenatals and he needed to be giving me back rubs often.
He also said, my hormone levels were great! Ben asked him to check them again...ha ha.
So on the 22nd the night before my dr apt. I felt the first little kick. It was almost like a butterfly in my tummy...but I was so excited. I had spent the whole fist month that I found out checking my belly often to make sure it was still hard, and the baby was still in there! LOL
So last night I was the only one up, and Preston starts kicking like CRAZY! I was so excited but there is no one up to feel him, but me.
Several people have said, "you don't even look pregnant"...none of them were my husband he however says every time I put my jeans on, "I think your squishing our baby!"...what a buster!
The good news is he also said, "you need to go buy some maternity pants"...hmm. I need to go buy...silly silly man...he didn't even know what he was asking of me! MUAHHHAAAHHAA!!!
So I got my first pair of maternity pants, and of course several cute shirts to go with!!!
As we (Garron and I) pulled up to the maternity shop, we were talking baby. He asked me if dad was rubbing my back. I started laughing and said as a matter of fact you should remind him of that! He said, well the doctor said he should! Praise the Lord for Garron's good memory...too bad Ben is the one who keeps forgetting! LOL
I had prayed that I would not feel disappointment, if it was in deed a boy. Mainly for this reason, I'm having a BABY!! There is NOTHING disappointing about that!
So sure enough he is rolling the magic wand around and finds the extra parts...it's a boy!
And as an answer to my prayer I wasn't disappointed at all. I think part of me had "braced" myself, just in case.
We had already decided on the name "Preston Graham" if it were a boy, and I love that name. So that was fun. Jeremiah picked out the name Preston, and Graham is a tribute of sorts to my mom's mom who we call Gram.
The doctor told Ben he needed to make sure I was drinking lot's of water, taking my prenatals and he needed to be giving me back rubs often.
He also said, my hormone levels were great! Ben asked him to check them again...ha ha.
So on the 22nd the night before my dr apt. I felt the first little kick. It was almost like a butterfly in my tummy...but I was so excited. I had spent the whole fist month that I found out checking my belly often to make sure it was still hard, and the baby was still in there! LOL
So last night I was the only one up, and Preston starts kicking like CRAZY! I was so excited but there is no one up to feel him, but me.
Several people have said, "you don't even look pregnant"...none of them were my husband he however says every time I put my jeans on, "I think your squishing our baby!"...what a buster!
The good news is he also said, "you need to go buy some maternity pants"...hmm. I need to go buy...silly silly man...he didn't even know what he was asking of me! MUAHHHAAAHHAA!!!
So I got my first pair of maternity pants, and of course several cute shirts to go with!!!
As we (Garron and I) pulled up to the maternity shop, we were talking baby. He asked me if dad was rubbing my back. I started laughing and said as a matter of fact you should remind him of that! He said, well the doctor said he should! Praise the Lord for Garron's good memory...too bad Ben is the one who keeps forgetting! LOL
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day 34 - end of week 19
So, I am just two days away from my second doctor's visit. This is so bitter sweet for me.
Bitter because I am half way through my pregnancy and I feel like I just found out :(
Bitter also because someone told me yesterday I didn't look pregnant. They meant that as a complement! But it made me want to go home and put a pillow under my shirt!
Sweet because on Monday morning I will waddle into the doctor's office (okay maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration) and for the second time I get to see my baby!!! YEAH! To add the cherry on top, I will get to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Although, I am not sure if that is all good, because as you well know I would love to have a girl, but I would hate to feel at all disappointed. Not because I don't want to be disappointed but because I am so very very thankful to have a baby. I just don't want the Lord to feel like I'm an ingrate! I'm really not at all ungrateful no matter what the gender of my baby is. I have even heard people say, "I don't care what I have as long as it's healthy"... I feel like even my baby wasn't healthy I would still be so grateful to have had this experience.
Well, I will keep you posted!
Bitter because I am half way through my pregnancy and I feel like I just found out :(
Bitter also because someone told me yesterday I didn't look pregnant. They meant that as a complement! But it made me want to go home and put a pillow under my shirt!
Sweet because on Monday morning I will waddle into the doctor's office (okay maybe that is a bit of an exaggeration) and for the second time I get to see my baby!!! YEAH! To add the cherry on top, I will get to find out if it's a boy or a girl! Although, I am not sure if that is all good, because as you well know I would love to have a girl, but I would hate to feel at all disappointed. Not because I don't want to be disappointed but because I am so very very thankful to have a baby. I just don't want the Lord to feel like I'm an ingrate! I'm really not at all ungrateful no matter what the gender of my baby is. I have even heard people say, "I don't care what I have as long as it's healthy"... I feel like even my baby wasn't healthy I would still be so grateful to have had this experience.
Well, I will keep you posted!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Day 6 - End of Week One
Here I sit, the end of my first week of "knowing" I am pregnant. I did notice today (for the first time, that you can see my "baby bump". All in all I have spent this past week ELATED! Excited that every day completed is just one more day I have to enjoy my pregnancy.
I have pretty much spent this week looking online for:
baby beds
Car Seats
Baby Bedding - my favorite! I think I have spent the most time doing this~
Baby Names
and anything else I could think of!
So my tentative decisions are as follows:
Name - Aubry Breck (Ben, my mom and I all picked this out years ago) as our alternate name for if Garron happened to be a girl.
Baby Bed - White
Bedding Theme - Soft pink and white
Name - Preston Graham (is at the top of my list) Ben is still rooting for Isaiah Benjamin...I told him I am willing to have Benjamin as a middle name, but I am not in favor of Isaiah
Baby Bed - Esspresso
Bedding Theme - I was dead set on Black and White...Ben was not a fan...he wants a sports theme or something more "manly"...Maybe Frogs...he was okay with that. I also kind of like baby blue camo??? This is still up in the air! Ah well... we still have some time.
Every week completed is one less week I have to wait to find out what my little one is...We are praying for a girl, but I couldn't ever be disappointed with any life God has given to me.
My due date is 1/11/11 (VERY COOL)
Next week...week 15 WHOO HOO!!
I have pretty much spent this week looking online for:
baby beds
Car Seats
Baby Bedding - my favorite! I think I have spent the most time doing this~
Baby Names
and anything else I could think of!
So my tentative decisions are as follows:
Name - Aubry Breck (Ben, my mom and I all picked this out years ago) as our alternate name for if Garron happened to be a girl.
Baby Bed - White
Bedding Theme - Soft pink and white
Name - Preston Graham (is at the top of my list) Ben is still rooting for Isaiah Benjamin...I told him I am willing to have Benjamin as a middle name, but I am not in favor of Isaiah
Baby Bed - Esspresso
Bedding Theme - I was dead set on Black and White...Ben was not a fan...he wants a sports theme or something more "manly"...Maybe Frogs...he was okay with that. I also kind of like baby blue camo??? This is still up in the air! Ah well... we still have some time.
Every week completed is one less week I have to wait to find out what my little one is...We are praying for a girl, but I couldn't ever be disappointed with any life God has given to me.
My due date is 1/11/11 (VERY COOL)
Next week...week 15 WHOO HOO!!
Day 2 - July 20th
I woke up today...delighted at my new found "condition". Thank you Lord! Before I even got out of bed, I called my mom's sister Aunt Cindy. After her, I called my Gram. My only living grandparent to share with her my good news. She was of course as excited as everyone else. She thought (like I did) that I might not ever be able to have a baby. She said, "I always wanted to see a little Deanna running around"!!! :) Too funny!
Everything I did from the moment my feet hit the floor, I did with the idea that I had LIFE inside of me! I think I spent every moment wondering what my little baby was doing. Am I doing anything that will make my baby uncomfortable? Even though I am already 14 weeks along - 3 1/2 months it is all new to me! My baby might as well be 2 days old...because even though life has been growing for a while now, I just found out!
I drove in to work for a 9am meeting with one hand on my belly. Just acknowledging that this tiny little one is now with me every where I go.
Once I get through my first meeting I have a conference call. I am looking very forward to this call, because I know one of the first items on the agenda is "GOOD NEWS". Even though this is intended to be "good news" about our facilities I used that opportunity to make the announcement to our management team.
The rest of the day was a regular work day with the exception of the grin that crept onto my face every spare moment I had. Every second of down time was spent relishing in the fact that I, yes me... am going to have a baby!!!
Everything I did from the moment my feet hit the floor, I did with the idea that I had LIFE inside of me! I think I spent every moment wondering what my little baby was doing. Am I doing anything that will make my baby uncomfortable? Even though I am already 14 weeks along - 3 1/2 months it is all new to me! My baby might as well be 2 days old...because even though life has been growing for a while now, I just found out!
I drove in to work for a 9am meeting with one hand on my belly. Just acknowledging that this tiny little one is now with me every where I go.
Once I get through my first meeting I have a conference call. I am looking very forward to this call, because I know one of the first items on the agenda is "GOOD NEWS". Even though this is intended to be "good news" about our facilities I used that opportunity to make the announcement to our management team.
The rest of the day was a regular work day with the exception of the grin that crept onto my face every spare moment I had. Every second of down time was spent relishing in the fact that I, yes me... am going to have a baby!!!
Week 14 - July 19, 2010
Day 1 - 4pm is my scheduled appointment with my OBGYN. I had a hectic day that included driving all the way down to Utah county (about an hour and a half). I have to stop in Salt Lake, American Fork and Provo. I am rapidly approaching 2:30 and I have to decide if I should leave right now, or just reschedule my appointment.
I made the appointment because I had endometriosis about two years ago. No that is not a huge deal, I had it removed in a day surgery. In and out in just a few hours. My Gyno who did my surgery said that it was highly likely that this was a lot of the cause for the difficultly I have had with getting pregnant. My husband and I will have been married ten years in Aug of this year (2010).
We had the amazing opportunity to adopt our son (Garron) just three years into our marriage. So you can imagine my gratefulness not only at the time but especially five years later when my endometriosis was found.
So with this female problem my doctor (at the time) let me know two very important things. 1. I have the highest chance of getting pregnant within the first 3-6 months of my surgery. 2. Just because he removed it, doesn't mean that it won't come back.
Now I tell you all of this so you understand my mindset when I made my doctor appointment last week. I had not been menstruating for the past few months. I had also had some tenderness in my abdomen and some discomfort. All of these things caused me to believe that my endometriosis had in fact returned.
Because of all of this, I decided to head Layton (where my new OBGYN is) and go through with my previously set appointment.
If you are a woman, then you understand what a beating finding a new female doctor is! Even still I had to suck it up...explain my medical past ...and get my pap.
As my sweet doctor begins to press on my tummy I expressed some discomfort. Then he was concerned when he found some swelling. All of this caused him to go ahead and make the call to set me up for a sonogram. At this point he asks me if I have ever had this before. I explained to him I had, when my last doctor thought (and was right) that I had endometriosis.
So as we begin my new doctor Dr Johnson says, "OH"...hmm...I say, "did you find something?" to which he replied, "yes". Naturally I say, "So, do you know what is wrong with me?" He turns the monitor around and says, "Do you see what I see?". I again think it is my endometriosis back again...so I am looking for black spots. I say, "What are we looking at"...but no more did those words fall off my tongue than the doctor moved his "magic wand" then a tiny baby appeared on the screen!!! I am not certain of the exact words that came out of my mouth next, but I know it was disbelief & shock in my heart.
Ten years is a long, long time to wait for anything...but it is really hard to know and express all the thoughts and emotions I had previously been through. Believing that I may not ever be able to birth children and still wanting to be so thankful for the Child God HAD given me is a hard pendulum of emotions.
I also want to insert that we have had the blessing of my 13yr old step son living with us for the past year and a half. He is absolutely amazing, and I couldn't ask for a better step child.
As thoughts were swimming in my mind tears trickled down my cheek. There are several times on my sonogram that you see it shake...that would be me laughing! It was just so crazy! Ten years, no in vetro, no fertility drugs...just this AMAZING, breath taking surprise! WOW!
From the doctor's office I still had to run my work and finish up my day! Once I finally arrived home, my boys were scattered through out the house. I said, hey guys can everybody come in here for a minute? (at which point Ben told me later he thought I was about to announce bad news, like that I had lost my job) I said, "I have a DVD for us all to watch. They were all like Oh, ok. So I popped in the sonogram DVD. As it began to play... I look over to Garron and say, "Do you know what that is?" "What?" he asks. "A sonogram, do you know what that is?" "It means you have a baby in your belly" he responds almost unsure of his answer. "That's right!" I exclaimed in a little disbelief my self! "Do you?" he says, confirming the uncertainty I heard in his voice earlier. Once I confirmed that was in deed the case, his eyes widened as he gasped! Then I turned to Ben. Shock was written all over his face. Then a giant grin spread across his face. He did mention the fact that he thought I was pregnant. He had told me this about a month ago...he thought there was a very real possibility that I might be expecting.
Now that my boys had been told it was time to call my mom. PROBLEM...she doesn't answer. I call my sister Daphne and ask her where mom is. She tells me that mom is at Junior Camp. I ask if she has cell service there, and she thinks she does but also mentions that she might be in a church service. Hmm... So I tell Daph that is unfortunate for mom, but good news for her because now she gets to know before mom does that I'm pregnant!!! OMG! I think she is in disbelief also!
I text my mom to "Call me as soon as she gets this text"... While I wait for her to call I began to call all of my other siblings. I called Angela, then Joy. Joy also didn't answer. I then call Drew and Mystie (I knew they were going to excited as Mystie is also pregnant with their second child). Then I called Keith and Fer and then I tried Kevin's phone, since Joy didn't answer. Good news, he did. I asked him where Joy was. He said she was in the other room feeding Korbin (their brand new baby boy). So I ask him if he can walk in there and put me on speaker phone. I tell them my good news, but also tell them the same thing I had told everyone else...DON'T SAY ANYTHING! I can't get a hold of mom! So everyone is excited and agrees.
FINALLY!!! My mom calls! To which I get to share this phenomenal news. OF COURSE she is just beside herself. I stayed on the phone with her while she told any member of our family that were in sight!! LOL Jordan (my oldest brother Keith's son) was standing right there. He jumped on the phone so I could tell him the good news!
Once I finished that phone call, I made a few more calls to close friends and family (before it got too late) as it is one hour later in TEXAS than it is here in Utah.
I laid my head down on my pillow, said my one millionth and one thank you to the Lord and fell asleep.
I made the appointment because I had endometriosis about two years ago. No that is not a huge deal, I had it removed in a day surgery. In and out in just a few hours. My Gyno who did my surgery said that it was highly likely that this was a lot of the cause for the difficultly I have had with getting pregnant. My husband and I will have been married ten years in Aug of this year (2010).
We had the amazing opportunity to adopt our son (Garron) just three years into our marriage. So you can imagine my gratefulness not only at the time but especially five years later when my endometriosis was found.
So with this female problem my doctor (at the time) let me know two very important things. 1. I have the highest chance of getting pregnant within the first 3-6 months of my surgery. 2. Just because he removed it, doesn't mean that it won't come back.
Now I tell you all of this so you understand my mindset when I made my doctor appointment last week. I had not been menstruating for the past few months. I had also had some tenderness in my abdomen and some discomfort. All of these things caused me to believe that my endometriosis had in fact returned.
Because of all of this, I decided to head Layton (where my new OBGYN is) and go through with my previously set appointment.
If you are a woman, then you understand what a beating finding a new female doctor is! Even still I had to suck it up...explain my medical past ...and get my pap.
As my sweet doctor begins to press on my tummy I expressed some discomfort. Then he was concerned when he found some swelling. All of this caused him to go ahead and make the call to set me up for a sonogram. At this point he asks me if I have ever had this before. I explained to him I had, when my last doctor thought (and was right) that I had endometriosis.
So as we begin my new doctor Dr Johnson says, "OH"...hmm...I say, "did you find something?" to which he replied, "yes". Naturally I say, "So, do you know what is wrong with me?" He turns the monitor around and says, "Do you see what I see?". I again think it is my endometriosis back again...so I am looking for black spots. I say, "What are we looking at"...but no more did those words fall off my tongue than the doctor moved his "magic wand" then a tiny baby appeared on the screen!!! I am not certain of the exact words that came out of my mouth next, but I know it was disbelief & shock in my heart.
Ten years is a long, long time to wait for anything...but it is really hard to know and express all the thoughts and emotions I had previously been through. Believing that I may not ever be able to birth children and still wanting to be so thankful for the Child God HAD given me is a hard pendulum of emotions.
I also want to insert that we have had the blessing of my 13yr old step son living with us for the past year and a half. He is absolutely amazing, and I couldn't ask for a better step child.
As thoughts were swimming in my mind tears trickled down my cheek. There are several times on my sonogram that you see it shake...that would be me laughing! It was just so crazy! Ten years, no in vetro, no fertility drugs...just this AMAZING, breath taking surprise! WOW!
From the doctor's office I still had to run my work and finish up my day! Once I finally arrived home, my boys were scattered through out the house. I said, hey guys can everybody come in here for a minute? (at which point Ben told me later he thought I was about to announce bad news, like that I had lost my job) I said, "I have a DVD for us all to watch. They were all like Oh, ok. So I popped in the sonogram DVD. As it began to play... I look over to Garron and say, "Do you know what that is?" "What?" he asks. "A sonogram, do you know what that is?" "It means you have a baby in your belly" he responds almost unsure of his answer. "That's right!" I exclaimed in a little disbelief my self! "Do you?" he says, confirming the uncertainty I heard in his voice earlier. Once I confirmed that was in deed the case, his eyes widened as he gasped! Then I turned to Ben. Shock was written all over his face. Then a giant grin spread across his face. He did mention the fact that he thought I was pregnant. He had told me this about a month ago...he thought there was a very real possibility that I might be expecting.
Now that my boys had been told it was time to call my mom. PROBLEM...she doesn't answer. I call my sister Daphne and ask her where mom is. She tells me that mom is at Junior Camp. I ask if she has cell service there, and she thinks she does but also mentions that she might be in a church service. Hmm... So I tell Daph that is unfortunate for mom, but good news for her because now she gets to know before mom does that I'm pregnant!!! OMG! I think she is in disbelief also!
I text my mom to "Call me as soon as she gets this text"... While I wait for her to call I began to call all of my other siblings. I called Angela, then Joy. Joy also didn't answer. I then call Drew and Mystie (I knew they were going to excited as Mystie is also pregnant with their second child). Then I called Keith and Fer and then I tried Kevin's phone, since Joy didn't answer. Good news, he did. I asked him where Joy was. He said she was in the other room feeding Korbin (their brand new baby boy). So I ask him if he can walk in there and put me on speaker phone. I tell them my good news, but also tell them the same thing I had told everyone else...DON'T SAY ANYTHING! I can't get a hold of mom! So everyone is excited and agrees.
FINALLY!!! My mom calls! To which I get to share this phenomenal news. OF COURSE she is just beside herself. I stayed on the phone with her while she told any member of our family that were in sight!! LOL Jordan (my oldest brother Keith's son) was standing right there. He jumped on the phone so I could tell him the good news!
Once I finished that phone call, I made a few more calls to close friends and family (before it got too late) as it is one hour later in TEXAS than it is here in Utah.
I laid my head down on my pillow, said my one millionth and one thank you to the Lord and fell asleep.
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