It's a BOY!

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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Almost 22 weeks!

Okay so I want to fill you in on the day I found out it was a boy! August 23,2010
I had prayed that I would not feel disappointment, if it was in deed a boy. Mainly for this reason, I'm having a BABY!! There is NOTHING disappointing about that!
So sure enough he is rolling the magic wand around and finds the extra's a boy!
And as an answer to my prayer I wasn't disappointed at all. I think part of me had "braced" myself, just in case.
We had already decided on the name "Preston Graham" if it were a boy, and I love that name. So that was fun. Jeremiah picked out the name Preston, and Graham is a tribute of sorts to my mom's mom who we call Gram.
The doctor told Ben he needed to make sure I was drinking lot's of water, taking my prenatals and he needed to be giving me back rubs often.
He also said, my hormone levels were great! Ben asked him to check them again...ha ha.
So on the 22nd the night before my dr apt. I felt the first little kick. It was almost like a butterfly in my tummy...but I was so excited. I had spent the whole fist month that I found out checking my belly often to make sure it was still hard, and the baby was still in there! LOL
So last night I was the only one up, and Preston starts kicking like CRAZY! I was so excited but there is no one up to feel him, but me.
Several people have said, "you don't even look pregnant"...none of them were my husband he however says every time I put my jeans on, "I think your squishing our baby!"...what a buster!
The good news is he also said, "you need to go buy some maternity pants"...hmm. I need to go buy...silly silly man...he didn't even know what he was asking of me! MUAHHHAAAHHAA!!!
So I got my first pair of maternity pants, and of course several cute shirts to go with!!!
As we (Garron and I) pulled up to the maternity shop, we were talking baby. He asked me if dad was rubbing my back. I started laughing and said as a matter of fact you should remind him of that! He said, well the doctor said he should! Praise the Lord for Garron's good memory...too bad Ben is the one who keeps forgetting! LOL

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