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Sunday, November 25, 2012

R & R Retreat

My Darling Aubrey,
Please forgive me for not blogging during my entire pregnancy with you. I fear your brothers Jeremiah, Garron and Preston consume most of my time these days! The good news is when you get here you will undoubtedly get my undivided attention.

I went for a mini get away on Wed November 14, 2012. I came back the following Tuesday (the week of Thanksgiving). It was then I decided I really needed to blog some things so that I don’t forget to tell you when you are older. I will start with my time away and work my way back (as I can remember… I have pregnancy brain so bear with me).

I went to Mimi’s house in none other than Paradise, TX. Fitting I know. She has a lovely home in the country where I was able to take a break from the afore mentioned brothers that occupy my time!
Mimi and Capaw’s church (Bible Baptist of Bridgeport) were hosting their Thanksgiving potluck that night where Tia, Uncle Kenny and Breezy came over and we were able to enjoy their Thanksgiving devotion as well as a fabulous dinner.

 I was able to sleep in the first day until 9am!!! WHOOO HOOO!!! That was the only day I slept in that late, but I obviously needed it. I was a day of lounging and reading. I met up with Tia & Melissa Philips (back at the church) around 4pm Thursday to dig through their church’s decoration barn. Why you ask? For your shower of course! Your color scheme will be black and white damask with PINK!!!! They lent us just the table clothes for the occasion. Once the three of us were done, Tia and I went to dinner at Prontos. We stayed there until they closed the place down. We continued our conversation in the church parking lot because I was taking Tia back to her car. I will have to say, you will one day understand as you have the heritage of being a Ponder woman we talked there until around 11pm, at which point we decided that Tia should just stay the night at Mimi’s as well. She had already planned on skipping school that next day (she is a technology teacher at Bridgeport High School). We did also sneak into her high school so I could see her class room. Thankfully the custodial crew was there so some lights were on. After viewing her rooms we had one of the custodians let us into another teacher’s room so we could take one of his moose head decorations and hide it as a prank. We stayed up way to late at Mimi’s but we were able to get up  time the next morning for Capaw to take us to breakfast at Brandi’s …YUM! We enjoyed a delicious breakfast and delightful conversation about everything from Spiritual Gifts to stories from the past.  After breakfast Capaw took us back to the house because Tia had a day planned with Uncle Kenny and Shelby to go to College Days at a few local campus’.

Capaw had errands to run so I spend the rest of the day lounging…napping…watching a little HGTV…and eventually when Mimi got home she made us a good ol’ southern fried fish dinner. We ate that while we watched Duck Dynasty. Now this is a reality show that I hadn’t ever seen before this night however it was so funny I think we watched like 6 consecutive episodes! It was nice to just chill and laugh hysterically!

Saturday morning rolled around and got up to do my devotion, load some dishes (from the fish fried dinner) and of course drink my coffee. Mimi and I spent most of this day crafting (working on Christmas gifts) I will tell you what they are after Christmas as your Aunts may read this blog and that would spoil their surprise!

When I got around on Saturday I headed over to Tia’s in Weatherford. We were supposed to spend the day scrapbooking and shopping. We couldn’t quite make the crop night work out but we did get some shopping done. We mostly got things for the shower but I was able to get some cosmetics I needed and a new bra that I didn’t need until I went to Tia’s…LOL Due to Chopper’s love for women’s undergarments. (Chopper is Breezy’s dog that dug my bras out of my bag in the middle of the night and chewed them up) Needless to say Chopper is my least favorite dog….ever. We spent the rest of the day being pampered at the nail salon having our nails done and getting pedicures. Tia and I went out for Mexican food that evening. This will be no surprise to you when you are older as it is Tia’s favorite and we eat it all the time! LOL After Rio Mambo we toyed with the idea of going to the last Twilight movie but eventually decided against it since Tia hadn’t seen any of the previous ones and the fact that it was already SO late.

We got up the next morning and went to Willow Park Baptist Church. After church we had a nap and then went back for Thanksgiving dinner there that evening. It was Babe’s chicken!!! Seriously a great way to have Thanksgiving dinner at church!

Eventually I had to return home. I had a doctor’s appointment for you…

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